One of the best parts of our program is that you get to meet your host family long before you arrive. You’ll get the chance to know them through texts, video calls, and maybe even following each other on social media.

It’s important to really get to know them and let them get to know you so you can ensure you’ll be a good fit for each other. Here are some questions you can ask as you get to know your host family!
- Why do you want your children to have a babysitter from another country?
- What are your child’s interests?
- What’s the best way that your child learns?
- What is a typical day like with you and your family?
- What is something you’re worried or concerned about for hosting?
- Do you or does anyone in your family have allergies or dietary restrictions?
- Do you have pets?
- What should I expect for pocket money?
- How many people have you hosted before?
- Are you an extrovert or an introvert? What about your kids?
- Is there anything else you’d like to discuss with me?