7 Reasons to Have a Gap Year in Australia

Australia Fun

Australia is famous for its beautiful beaches, laid-back culture, and unique wildlife. But what makes it a great place to have a gap year?

What is a gap year?

A gap year is a year taken off from studies and home life to go explore a new place and gain life experience. Urban Dictionary might have the best definition of a gap year:

“A year off, to experience what freedom feels like, before life happens.”

And that’s true. Life really does happen! As one gets older, it generally gets more and more complicated to live abroad or go travel for extended periods of time. A career, family responsibilities, and just life make it harder to commit to big adventures. The sooner you decide to take a gap year, the more likely it will happen.

Why take a gap year anyway?

Many college-age young adults take a gap year to travel more, build their resume, and just have more fun before they get into the grind of full-time work post graduation. Experiences had abroad are not only great talking points in a job interview, but they also help a candidate become more well-rounded and experienced. It’s also a great way to meet more people, build character and job references, and make connections. Plus seeing another culture just helps all around — you gain experience and insight that is hard to acquire otherwise.

So why pick Australia?

Australia is an excellent pick for a gap year for many reasons.

1. The pay for Outbackers with working holiday visas is great.

Our Outbackers live with host families. In exchange for about 25-30 hours of childcare per week, an Outbacker gets free meals and free accommodations plus $190 USD per week ($300 AUD). This equates to some pretty great spending money! The visa to work in Australia does cost about $400, but this is easily earned back in less than 3 weeks working in Australia. Many of our Outbackers are able to really explore and do many extracurricular activities with their pocket money.

2. You get a chance to influence a child’s life for the better.

By being part of this child’s (or children’s) life, you have a chance to have a huge influence on them. You can help them have better perspectives, lots of fun, and a great attitude about learning and growing.

3. Living abroad can be a great resume builder.

No matter the job, an experience abroad can be a great talking point in an interview. Plus it’s helpful to have life experience outside of what you are used to. Being able to adapt in a new environment can be a benefit in any new job situation!

4. You get to experience personal growth in a rapid and unique way. 

Living in a different country on your own can really stretch you. This kind of experience can build your character, give you grit, and help you adapt better to future challenges.

5. Many countries have the opportunity for gap years but not all of them are English-speaking.

It is really nice that in Australia, there is no language barrier. Although there are some cultural and colloquial idioms, you can learn them pretty quickly.

6. Australia is large and has so many things to do!

The best way to experience an incredible place like Australia is to go there for a longer period of time. You simply can’t go to all the best places in just 10-14 days. Australia has a lot to offer, so you might as well take your time in exploring it all! Most of our programs are for 6 months, but we can work with you to figure out what is best timing.

7. Ninety percent of our Outbackers get access to a car as part of the program.

Having a car definitely is a plus when it comes to exploring the Land Down Under. You can always take public transportation (sometimes it’s nice not to worry about parking!) but having the option is a great thing when you’re going out with friends.

If you’re still on the fence about living in Australia, apply today to see if you’re accepted. We have flexible program dates and dozens of wonderful host families waiting for YOU!